Homelessness Assistance Program (HAP)

Allegan County Homeless Assistance Program (HAP)

OnPoint’s Homeless Assistance Program serves as the Housing Assessment and Resource Agency for Allegan County as chosen by the Allegan County Local Planning Body and the Michigan Balance of State COC. A Housing Assessment and Resource Agency (HARA) provides centralized intake and housing assessment, thereby assuring a comprehensive communitywide service and access to homeless services for those who qualify.

Please note: OnPoint is not an emergency shelter. Allegan County does not have an emergency shelter other than Sylvia’s Place who serves those fleeing Domestic Violence. Please refer to the housing resource packet for out of county emergency shelter information or contact 2-1-1 for additional resources.

Who Do We Serve?

In general, individuals must be Allegan County residents who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or be in a court ordered eviction and meet income limits for programs to qualify to schedule an appointment. See homeless definition below for further information:

  • Homeless definitions
    • Category 1 – Has a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not meant for human habitation; or Is living in a publicly or privately operated shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements (including congregate shelters, transitional housing, and hotels and motels paid for by charitable organizations or by federal, state and local government programs); or Is exiting an institution where they have resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution.
    • Category 2 – Residence will be lost within 14 days of the date of application for homeless assistance, no subsequent residence has been identified; and the individual or family lacks the resources or support networks needed to obtain other permanent housing.

What We Provide

OnPoint’s Homeless Assistance Program provides case management and financial assistance for Allegan County Residents who are homeless, at risk of homeless or are facing a court-ordered eviction in Allegan County and qualify for our available program funding. Using housing resources provided as well as outside rental listings, program participants along with the support of their housing case manager search for affordable housing that meets their needs. In all cases, case managers work collaboratively with program participants to develop a plan for affordable permanent housing. Financial assistance is available based on current funding availability and program requirements.

Current Program and Services

*Please note that just because a program is listed below does not guarantee that OnPoint currently has funding or availability in that program to assist you. Please contact the housing line directly if you have any questions.*

Supportive Services Only (SSO)

  • Provides case management services once per week for households who are currently category 1 homeless and are searching for housing. No financial assistance is offered with these services.
  • To be eligible for this program you must be:
    • An Allegan County resident
    • Be level 1 homeless

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

  • Provides Case Management and short-term financial assistance to those who are literally homeless or facing a court-ordered eviction. Financial assistance may include eviction prevention assistance, or assistance with the first month’s rent and/or security deposit depending on availability of funding.
  • To be eligible for this program the person must meet all the following criteria:
    • Category 1 or Category 2 homeless, or Facing Court Ordered Eviction
    • Be below 30% Area Median Income for Allegan County
    • Rental Unit must be rent reasonable and under Fair Market Rate for Allegan County
    • Rental Unit must pass Habitability Standard inspection.

COC Program Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

  • This program combines long term rental assistance with supportive services to help persons maintain permanent housing.
  • To be eligible for this program you must be:
    • Chronically Homeless or Literally Homeless
    • Have a household member with a disability
    • Low-income
  • There are a limited number of program slots available for this funding. When a slot becomes available, case managers use a prioritization protocol to determine who will be offered a slot.
  • Rental units under this program must be determined to be rent reasonable and pass a Housing Quality Standards inspection.

COC Program Rapid Rehousing Program (RRH)

  • This program provides up to 24 months of rental assistance with required case management services while enrolled in program.
  • To be eligible for this program you must be:
    • Literally Homeless
    • Low Income
  • There are a limited number of program slots available for this funding. When a slot becomes available, case managers use a prioritization protocol to determine who will be offered a slot.
  • Rental units under this program must be determined to be rent reasonable and pass a Housing Quality Standards inspection.

MDHHS Rapid Rehousing Program (RRH)

    • Provides Case Management and short-term financial assistance for up to 18 months to those who are literally homeless.
    • There are a limited number of program slots available for this funding. When a slot becomes available, case managers use a prioritization protocol to determine who will be offered a slot.
  • Rental units under this program must be determined to be rent reasonable and pass a Housing Quality Standards inspection.



Contact Us

You are welcome to call or email during regular business hours. Due to large call volumes, it may take up to 48 hours to receive a call back. Callback numbers will be different than the housing line number and may even show up as an unknown or blocked number so please be prepared to answer calls you receive if you are waiting on a callback from OnPoint. Also please be sure to make sure your voicemail box is clear and able to accept new messages. Homeless Assistance Program Staff are not available on site for walk-ins currently.

If you are a community partner looking to refer someone to the Homeless Assistance Program, please complete the HARA Community Referral Form and email it to housing@onpointallegan.org

540 Jenner Drive
Allegan, MI 49010

Phone: 269-686-4703
Fax: 269-686-5201
Email: housing@onpointallegan.org
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm