ACCMHS New Brand & Identity

ACCMHS unveils new brand identity reflecting the agency’s transformation and focus on the future.

Allegan County Community Mental Health is excited to unveil a new brand campaign, including a new identity, reflecting the agency’s transformation of its culture and a redefined strategy focused on the expansion of care for the people of Allegan County. Allegan County Community Mental Health’s new look and feel represents its commitment to innovation and the agency’s role and purpose of helping individuals get back into the fold of life.

Allegan County Community Mental Health will now be known as OnPoint.

Initial elements of the brand evolution include:

New Logo: As a prominent representation of the agency, people and brand, Allegan County CMH’s new logo, OnPoint, is colorful, optimistic and smart. Inspired by the features of origami, the primary focus will be on the “O” to symbolize the services that fold together by the agency to help individuals get back into the “fold” of life — whether this is through mental health or developmental disability services, substance use disorder treatment, or housing services. The crafted combination of the origami folds also symbolize what origami is known for, hope and healing.

New Brand Colors: The multitude of fresh colors speaks to the diversity and richness OnPoint represents, all working together to shift and evolve — synonymous with OnPoint’s commitment to continual improvements.

New Brand Purpose Statement: Caring for Allegan County.


**We realize that you may encounter documents on this site with our former name or logo. We will incorporate the new OnPoint brand and logo as we complete the branding process.